Thursday, September 25, 2008

Two Months Old!

Wow, where has the time gone? I can't believe I turned two months old on Monday! I've been so busy growing and learning new things that the time has just flown by.  

I went to the pediatrican today for my two month visit and got my new stats- I am almost 25 inches long (they measure me with pencil marks on a big piece of paper so there is a margin of error when I squirm), 12 pounds and my head is 16 inches (which means my brain is growing- phew).  I also had my first round of vaccinations-- 5 shots and a liquid one.  Thankfully the nurse was quick, but it still hurt a ton and now I have 3 yellow band-aids on my legs.  

I now smile and laugh a lot, make funny noises, and have discovered these things that taste good (my mommie calls them 'my hands'.....whatever, they're yummy when I'm sleepy).  I also like sticking my tongue out at my mommie when she sticks hers out at me- that's fun.  

My biggest accomplishment in the last 10 days is skipping a meal, otherwise known as sleeping through the night. When I was 8 weeks old I started sleeping between 6 and 8 hours a night.  It's been a big adjustment, but I know it will make life a lot easier when my mommie goes back to work (which I don't want to talk about right now).  

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