Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Photo Shoot

At the end of October, in an effort to have really good pictures taken of me, my mommie and daddy had a professional photographer come and do a photo shoot with me.  I had lots of fun, but it was tiring to be the center of attention for two straight hours.  

Hopefully all these pictures will make up for my month long hiatus- daycare wipes me out! 

Thomas the Jebo!

I am no longer the newest baby on the block- baby Thomas was born on November 12 to Tracy and Jack. Devon and Campbell are now the proud big sisters of a little brother. We're all excited that he's here and that Uncle Rich was finally proven wrong- Jack does not only make girls (not that there is anything wrong with that!!).  

Texas, Part II- SeaWorld

As I said before, we got to see Shamu (how does he travel from Orlando to San Antonio for shows?), got up close and personal with dolphins (mommie and daddy got to feed them but I was too small) and checked out the penguins.

SeaWorld was cool and I now have my very own stuffed Shamu to remember the trip.  Let me rephrase- my very own small stuffed replica-a dead Shamu is not in my nursery. That would smell bad....and be terrifying. 


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

"Don't Squat With Yer Spurs On"- My Trip to Texas

My daddy and grandpa were going to a Shell Oil conference in San Antonio, Texas (is there somewhere else you would hold an oil conference?) and so we decided to go along.  

Nana, mommie and I flew down together and met daddy and grandpa.  The flight was uneventful except for flying first class- that was great. I love the big seats; much easier 
to fall asleep in.  

We did lots of fun stuff- ate lunch and dinner on the Riverwalk, visited the Alamo and went to SeaWorld (see next post).  

My Two Personas

For Halloween, I had two costumes this year- one was as a part of a famous family and the other, an insect.  Which one is your favorite? 

Obligatory Pumpkin Patch Picture

As expected, my silly parents took me pumpkin picking before Halloween.  Um, I can't pick out my own hand, nevermind a perfect pumpkin.  Regardless, I took a hayride out to the field and sat among the only three orange pumpkins they could find (the rest were all green....seriously) and then we got back on the hayride and bought pumpkins that were by the cash register. 

I suspect we'll go through this ritual year after year. Good thing I'm a good sport and actually enjoyed hanging out in the hay. 

Daddy's Home!

After what seemed like forever, Daddy came home from China.  He did lots of fun things and I'm sure if you ask, he'll tell you lots and lots of stories.  He has so many pictures that he made a movie for a school project that he let me post. Check it out below.  

I'm just happy to have him home and not have to talk to him on the computer anymore. As you can see from the picture, I got all dressed up to meet him at the airport and I recognized him immediately when he came off the plane.  He didn't smell quite like himself- 29 hours on a plane is sorta stinky.